jQuery Notebook jQuery Notebook

jQuery Notebook

Created by: Bineet Kumar Chaubey

Downloaded: 4k times

This plugin is use to diaplay a category post as a Digital book style.the basic idea we have takes from jQuery Booklet Plugin.jQuery Notebook plugin also use some css and js file from http://tympanus.net/ .jQuery Notebook plugin have a fixed layout. so you can use this plugin in a full page layout template. For best use please use page template ‘notebook-template.php ‘,which is located in jQuery Notebook plugin folder [wp-content/plugins/jQuery-notebook/notebook-template.php]. Copy and paste this file in your current activated theme folder . Create a page through admin panel, use shortcode[jqnotebook cat=”catid”] in content section, where catid is categories id of post and choose ‘Notebook’ page template. this plugin is besed on jQuery Booklet Plugin . we are still hardly working on it for making more and more flexible for user. demo are here jQuery Notebook

Arbitrary section

This plugin is fixed layout. purpose of this plugin is display a post like a Notebook style. so you first create a full page layout tempalte.on which this book show clean and awesome.jQuery notebook plugin is my first plugin we are trying to modify its features. jQuery notebook plugin use some cofun code and css from http://tympanus.net/. so there are some js and css file are Under Mit Lincence. so user use this plugin behave on owns.


  • Frontend  view  screenshot-1.
  • Admin setting page screenshot-2.


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