JSON API User extends the JSON API Plugin with a new Controller to allow RESTful user registration, authentication, password reset, RESTful Facebook Login, RESTful User Meta and BuddyPress xProfile get and update methods. This plugin is for WordPress/Mobile app developers who want to use WordPress as mobile app data backend.

JSON API Plugin, that is required, was closed on August 7, 2019 from WordPress repository. You can download JSON API Plugin from https://github.com/PI-Media/json-api until it is republished and available on WordPress.

Features include:

  • Generate Auth Cookie for user authentication
  • Validate Auth Cookie
  • RESTful User Registration
  • RESTful Facebook Login/Registration with valid access_token
  • RESTful BuddyPress xProfile fields update
  • Get User Meta and xProfile fields
  • Update User Meta and xProfile fields
  • Delete User Meta
  • Password Reset
  • Get Avatar
  • Get User Info
  • Post Comment

The plugin was created for mobile apps integration with the web app using WordPress as backend for all the data. WordPress helped in putting together the web app quickly and then Mobile iOS and Android apps were integrated via this plugin. There were some app specific customized methods which are not included but rest have been made generic for community usage.

My other JSON API Auth plugin has also been integrated with this plugin from version 1.1 because most endpoints required user authentication via cookie for data update.

Pro Version – JSON API User Plus

A pro version of this plugin, JSON API User Plus, is available here http://www.parorrey.com/solutions/json-api-user-plus/ that supports BuddyPress Messages component, BuddyPress avatar upload, BuddyPress Extended Profile, BuddyPress Groups, BuddyPress Friends, BuddyPress Activity, BuddyPress Notifications, BuddyPres Settings and other BuddyPress related functions to integrate BuddyPress features in your mobile app via REST api.

JSON API User Plus includes API key which protects and restricts the endpoint calls. This key can be updated from Settings > User Plus options page. Your app must include this key with every call to get the data from REST API. Please see documentation for calling endpoints examples for ‘JSON API User Plus’.

JSON API User Plus features include:

  • Generate Auth Cookie for user authentication
  • Validate Auth Cookie
  • RESTful User Registration
  • RESTful Facebook Login/Registration with valid access_token
  • RESTful BuddyPress xProfile fields update
  • Get User Meta and xProfile fields
  • Update User Meta and xProfile fields
  • Delete User Meta
  • Password Reset
  • Get/Upload Avatar
  • Get User Info
  • Post Comment
  • Add Post, Update Post, Delete Post
  • Add/Edit/Delete Custom Post Type, Custom Fields
  • Search User
  • BuddyPress Activities
  • BuddyPress Members
  • BuddyPress Friends
  • BuddyPress Notifications
  • BuddyPress Settings
  • & many more


  • Call to generate_auth_cookie endpoint using Postman
  • Call to get_currentuserinfo endpoint using Postman
  • Call to validate_auth_cookie endpoint using Postman


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