Juiz Outdated Post Message Juiz Outdated Post Message

Juiz Outdated Post Message

Created by: Geoffrey Crofte

Downloaded: 2k times

This plugin adds a message before or after (or both) your post content when this post is outdated.
You visitor knows when a post is a little bit outdated and reads the content keeping its age in mind.


  • Choose the place where the message is displayed (before or after the content, or both)
  • Choose which type of posts that are concerned
  • Custom delay for each post
  • Hide the message for a specific post (directly from the edition page)
  • Shortcode and template function
  • Lots of hooks (for developers)

A full documentation is coming.

If you find a bug, please, tell me!

You want to translate this plugin and have your name in this page? Find translation files here.


  • The options page
  • The metabox in a post edition (specific options)
  • The message displayed before the content


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