Send Secrets By Kaboom Send Secrets By Kaboom

Send Secrets By Kaboom

Created by: Kaboom

Downloaded: 625 times

Send Secrets By Kaboom

This plugin makes it possible to send secrets to your clients. You use the shortcode [stand_alone_send_secret], there will appear an input field to send the information to your client.

What do you get

  • Shortcode to display the sending field [stand_alone_send_secret]
  • Once opend cannot be opend again
  • Send unlimited secrets to unlimited clients
  • Saves the information into your own database
  • Secrets in the databsase for more than 4 weeks get deleted automaticly
  • Translate every field your customer can potentional see

Installation – From WordPress Admin

  • Go to ‘Plugins > Add new’
  • Search for “Send Secrets By Kaboom”
  • Hit Install Now, and Activate after that


  • Upload the send-secrets-by-kaboom folder to the /wp-content/plugins directory
  • Activate through the WordPress admin from ‘Plugins > Installed Plugins’

After Installation

Apply the [stand_alone_send_secret] shortcode on the page you would like to use.
In the dashboard you can translate the buttons.


  • Send Secrets dashboard
  • Send Secrets front end
  • Error when you forgot to enter a secret
  • Error when someone try to open a send secret more than once


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