Keyword Statistics Keyword Statistics

Keyword Statistics

Created by: Alexander Müller

Downloaded: 209k times

With this plugin you can optimize your WordPress blog for search engines.
It can automatically generate meta informations (like keywords and description for example) needed for the search engine optimization (SEO) of your blog.

The Keyword-Statistics-Plugin checks the content of a post or a page for keyword density (single words and optionally 2- and 3-word phrases; for each the 1-10 most commonly used can be displayed).
It can update its informations automatically while the author is writing his content in a variable interval (every 1-10 seconds) or manually by clicking on a button.
The script comes with english and german stopwords, which optionally can be filtered out before calculating the keyword densities.
Moreover the commonest keywords are extracted in a list as a META keywords suggestion.
Based on this list a META description can be created and automatically set.
So the plugin can be used to do the on-page part of your SEO strategy.


  • Keyword density statistics about the usage of single keywords and keyphrases (2- and 3-words)
  • Setting an individual title for each page and post
  • META keywords will be set automatically based on the page content
  • META description generated from content based on the keyword statistics
  • Definition of individual titles, keywords and descriptions for all kinds of content aggregations. A set of variables that can be used on the specific aggregations – keywords will be filled up automatically to the maximum number of keys (you can define this too) with the ones generated from the listed posts.
  • Predecessors and successors that will be added to all page titles and descriptions served by your blog
  • Sitewide definition of meta keywords that will appear at the end or the beginning of the keyword list on each page of your blog – in addition to the ones defined for single posts or pages and at the various aggregations keyword lists.
  • Page-specific control of robots META
  • Generation of Canonical URLs – also for all kinds of content aggregation (lists with last posts, archive, tag, category, search results and author including pagination)
  • Controls the index/follow settings of the content aggregations (full control of robots for the specific aggregations)
  • Configuration of ODP, Yahoo! Directory and ARCHIVE (archiving of the content for search engines like google but also at META
  • Prevents urls resulting in a not found response (404) from indexation
  • All meta tags generated by the plugin can be switched off separately to prevent collisions with other plugins
  • Using nonces for plugins security
  • Allow or deny indexation of the blogs feeds

Stopwords filtered for:

  • Brazilian Portoguese
  • Bulgarian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Hungarian
  • Polish
  • Slovak
  • Spanish
  • Turkish

Backend translations for:

  • English
  • German
  • Slovak

Please notify: The SEO-relevant meta-information (meta keywords, meta description and the robots meta-tag) will be generated – and served – only for pages and posts which are saved after plugin installation.
You have to open and save an older post or page if you want to generate the meta data for the particular content.
For now there is no way to do this automatically.

The administrator can allow ordinary authors to change META informations or not.
Even if changing is disallowed an author can see the keyword density and can be guided from the statistics while he is writing the content.
He can do the on-page search engine optimization incidentally by knowing which keyword density should be reached.
This makes SEO easier for authors.

Learn more about this plugin on keyword statistics plugingerman


  • Settings for sitewide used predecessors and successors that should be added at meta informations on any page served by the blog (e.g. main keywords for the domain or branding titles and descriptions)
  • Dialog for setting meta data for the different content aggregations
  • Options for metadata delivery
  • Settings for the automatic generation of meta informations
  • Defaults for controlling robots
  • Configuration of the keyword density checker
  • Options to control visibility of additional input fields (for title, meta keywords and meta description of single posts or pages) in post-/page-edit dialog
  • Keyword statistics and additional input fields at page-/post-edit dialog


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