Kings FAQ

Created by: Saif Bin-Alam

Downloaded: 789 times

This plugin allows you to add multiple FAQ sections in your site. This plugin uses “custom posts” and “shortcode” to generate the FAQ items.


Here’s the step by step user manual:

  1. Install the plugin. (Find the instructions in the “Installation” section.)
  2. Find the custom post “FAQ Items” in your WordPress dashboard and click on it’s submenu: Add New. You can add category as well.
  3. Use the shortcode to show all your tabs anywhere in your WordPress site.

4. This shortcode supports 6 attributes: “category”, “orderby”, “order”, “color”, “bg” & “count”.


[kings-faq category="mycat" orderby="title" order="ASC" color="black" bg="#ccc" count="5"]



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