Kint PHP Debugger Kint PHP Debugger

Kint PHP Debugger

Created by: hellofromTonya

Downloaded: 12k times

This WordPress plugin is a wrapper for the Kint PHP Debugger utility version 1.x. Now instead of using var_dump() or print_r(), you simply use d() with zero, nadda, no formatting required.

Use this tool when you are debugging your website, in place of var_dump(), print_r() and debug_backtrace().

Handy Tools

Some handy tools just for the PHP Developer:

  • d( $var ); to render a collapsible UI container which displays your variable data in “the most informative way”
  • ddd( $var ); same as d() except that it also executes die() to halt execution.

Here are some variations of d() to give you the display you want:

  • ~d( $var ); outputs in plain text format.
  • +d( $var ); disregards depth level limits and outputs everything
  • !d( $var ); shows expanded rich output
  • -d( $var ); attempts to ob_clean() the previous output (dump something inside of HTML)


Kint even includes a naïve profiler, which can help you analyze which blocks of code take longer than others:

Kint::dump( microtime() ); // just pass microtime()
sleep( 1 );
Kint::dump( microtime(), 'after sleep(1)' );
sleep( 2 );
ddd( microtime(), 'final call, after sleep(2)' );

See screenshot 2 for what is rendered out in your browser.

Admin Bar

“KINT ACTIVE” indicator displays in the WordPress admin bar to alert you when the plugin is active.


  • An example of what gets rendered in the browser when using 'd( $var )'.
  • Profile example from Kint.
  • "KINT ACTIVE" indicator in the WordPress admin bar.


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