Kneejerk Menu Swapper Kneejerk Menu Swapper

Kneejerk Menu Swapper

Created by: Ryan "Rohjay" Oeltjenbruns

Downloaded: 666 times

What is KJD Menu Swapper

This Plugin designed to allow you to contextualize the menus in your theme based on whether or not your visitor is logged in or not. It’s especially handy when this functionality is not built into your theme!

Please report any bugs or feel free to give me any feedback at via the contact form at the bottom. Alternatively, if you’re on Github, you can create an issue for me instead.

How does it work

After installing KJD Menu Swapper, you’ll see the Menu Swapper on the left admin navigation. Once you click there, you’ll be presented with the configuration for the plugin. This plugin does a few things to work:

  1. KJD grabs the menus that your theme has registered. Whatever your theme, if it registers its menus properly, KJD Menu Swapper will find it =]
  2. KJD then grabs the menus that you’ve configured under Appearance -> Menus
  3. If a menu is configured for a registered theme menu, KJD Menu Swapper will show you. Otherwise, it’ll say “None Selected”.
  4. In the dropdown next to what the theme is configured for, you have the option to “swap” it when the visitor is logged in.
  5. Click the enable checkbox for that menu to enable the swap.
  6. Next, bonk the “Save” button, and the menu swap is live!

Arbitrary section

A Note from the Author

It’s designed to be pretty easy to use, but this plugin will only get better with constructive feedback from people who are using it like you!

Ryan “Rohjay” Oeltjenbruns


  • This is an example of what the plugin's config might look like for an install using the Twentytwenty Theme (after bonking save)
  • This shows you where it gets the list of menus you can use. Create, set them to locations in your theme, then come back to the KJD Menu Swapper page to configure which ones you'd like to swap to!


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