Kuvat.fi embed Kuvat.fi embed

Kuvat.fi embed

Created by: Mediadrive

Downloaded: 2k times


This plugin is for embedding a folders, photos or videos from the Kuvat.fi photo sharing service.

Kuvat.fi creates a great looking photo site from your photos. It’s easy to use and you can use it with your web browser, tablets and mobile devices. We’re based in Finland and have been running for 15 years.

Usage example

[kuvat width=1 height=1 bgcolor=0 thumbstrip=0 captions=0]https://demo.kuvat.fi/kuvat/[/kuvat]


  • width: The desired width of the embedded view. Required. Possible values:
    • 1: Responsive width that fills the entire available horizontal space
    • A width in pixels (eg. 760)
  • height: The desired height of the embedded view. Required. Possible values
    • 1: Responsive height determined by the most used aspect ratio in the embedded folder. Requires width=1.
    • A height in pixels (eg. 420)
  • bgcolor: This sets the background color and theme for the browser. Possible values:
    • 0: Dark gray (default)
    • 1: Black
    • 2: Light gray
    • A hex string (eg. #e8e8e8)
  • thumbstrip: If set to 1, a film strip of the other photos in the same folder is shown. Possible values:
    • 0: Disabled (default)
    • 1: Enabled
  • captions: If set to 1, the caption of the current photo is displayed if the photo has one. By default, this will show multiple lines of text on a shaded background over the image. Possible values:
    • 0: Disabled (default)
    • 1: Enabled
  • captionbg: If set, caption will change to a single line of text on a background color that you can define. Possible values:
    • A hex string (eg. #0066c9)
    • An rgba color (eg. rgba(0,102,201,0.8))
  • captiontext: This will change the text color when used in combination with captionbg. The default text color is white. Possible values:
    • A hex string (eg. #ffffff)
    • An rgba color (eg. rgba(255,255,255,0.8))


  • This is the basic embedded view with a dark theme and thumbnail strip enabled below the current photo.


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