Largest Jackpots Feed

Created by: kuopassa

Downloaded: 563 times

Create one or more shortcodes like:

[largest_jackpots_feed limit=”5″ offset=”0″ wraptag=”ol”]

The shortcode can have currently the following attributes:

  • limit
  • offset
  • wraptag

Please note that:

  • Attributes “limit” and “offset” are integers, and “wraptag” is a string.
  • The smallest value for “limit” is 1, and largest is 10.
  • For “offset” the smallest value is 0, and largest is 9.
  • “wraptag” can either be “ol” (ordered list), or “ul” (unordered list).
  • Each jackpot is wrapped in a “li” tag.
  • The HTML created by a shortcode does not contain any CSS.



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