Last 9 Photos – WebComponent Last 9 Photos – WebComponent

Last 9 Photos – WebComponent

Created by: Patryk Rzucidło (@PTKDev)

Downloaded: 841 times

🌉 WebComponent: Instagram Widget

Last 9 Photos: Instagram Widget of your Instagram Profile for your blog. Show latest 9 pics from your instagram account.

DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial instagram library and offers no warranty! All trademarks and logos belong to their respective owners.

📎 Menu

💡 Features

  • [✔️] Easy to use
  • [✔️] MIT License
  • [✔️] Without jQuery depencence
  • [✔️] Configurable with attributes
  • [✔️] Work with: Browserify / Webpack / ReactJS / Angular / WordPress
  • [✔️] Photos Widget of your Instagram Profile for your blog or website with this WebComponent
  • [✔️] Translations: 🇬🇧 🇮🇹 🇵🇱 (Help me ❤️)

📖 Installation

  1. Download wordpress-plugin and install it.
  2. Add code to your html widget, example: Appearance –> Widget –> insert HTML Widget and paste html code:

    <instagram-widget username="@ptkdev" grid="3x3">

NOTE: Replace @ptkdev with your instagram username. More settings are available here.

You can insert this html code in posts, widget, html box or theme. Where you want see instagram photos box.



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