Law Firm Posts And Blocks

Created by: EncoreSky Technologies

Downloaded: 511 times

The law-firm-blocks plugin is a simple wordpress plugin. This plugin creates custom posts and custom gutenberg blocks and shortcodes for custom blocks.

Post Type

This plugin creates two post types in our site. One is Practice Area and another is Testimonials. We can create posts in these post types and can use it.

Custom Blocks

This plugin creates total seven custom blocks for gutenberg post editor. We can reach to these blocks in editor’s blocks section and can use.

Little about our blocks -:

  1. 3 CTA Block -> This block adds three section in a row and each section contains title , image and description.

  2. Banner -> This block can used for banner section.This block adds a image for banner in right side and a contact form with form title in left side.We have to simply add form ID or Shortcode in the place of form ID to add contact form.We recommend CONTACT-FORM-7 plugin to use form.

  3. Blog -> This block adds blog posts .We can show our blog posts from by just use of this block.

  4. Introduction -> This block can be used to show basic information .This block added a section which contains a titel,description ,a button with link and a image on right side.

  5. Practice Area -> This block used to display Practice-Area custom-post(which is created by this plugin).In this block we can also choose how many practice-area posts we want to show and also we can give a link for practice-area main page.

  6. Testimonial Slider -> This block used to adds a slider.Every slide of slider contains Testimonial custom-post(which is created by this plugin).A slide contains post’s image ,title , some description and author name.We can also choose how many testimonials posts or slides we want to show in slider.

  7. Logo Slider -> This block is used to adds a simple slider of images or logos.Every logo can also connected to a link. We can customize the link according to us.


This plugin also created shortcodes for above gutenberg blocks. We can use these blocks directly anywhere we want without the help of block editor through shortcodes.

Shortcodes for every block is defined below.

  1. 3 CTA Block -> Shortcode for this block is [‘3_CTA’]
  2. Banner -> Shortcode for this block is [‘BANNER_AREA’]
  3. Blog -> Shortcode for this block is [‘BLOG_AREA’]
  4. Introduction -> Shortcode for this block is [‘INTRODUCTION’]
  5. Practice Area -> Shortcode for this block is [‘LOGO_SLIDER’]
  6. Testimonial Slider -> Shortcode for this block is [‘PRACTICE_AREAS’]
  7. Logo Slider -> Shortcode for this block is [‘TESTIMONIALS_SLIDER’]

    this plugin also created shortcodes for above gutenberg block



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