LC Scripts Optimizer LC Scripts Optimizer

LC Scripts Optimizer

Created by: Luca Montanari (LCweb)

Downloaded: 3k times

Speed up your wordpress website using only necessary scripts (CSS/JS) in targeted pages and combining them.
They literally slow down your website, increasing a lot page’s speed and wasting a lot of server resources.

Only one settings page to control everything. Basically with just one click you could increase your Google speed rank of 10 points!

But what’s the difference between this plugin and other ones? Is light. Extremely light and built to be compatible with any existing website and script.
You can choose which scripts to include in optimization and WHERE to use them: lightening pages and offering a better user experience.

Finally, features also an HTML minifier, to drastically reduce your pages weight!
Is also compatible with other WP optimizers (W3 total cache, WP-super-cache, etc). Offering a great combo to optimize wordpress all-around!

Features list:

  • lightweigt and super-simple setup
  • compatible with any theme and any script
  • scripts/styles combining
  • optimized files saved and served as static elements
  • filter by URL and/or regular expression
  • scripts/styles filter to set their usage across pages
  • option to exclude every script/style from optimization process
  • CSS @import code processing
  • CSS minification
  • HTML minification
  • fallback granted for restricted servers through dynamic PHP script
  • manual cache cleaner system
  • testing mode to tune the plugin without affecting visitors
  • compatible with other WP optimizers


  • faster pages
  • lower server impact
  • bandwidth saving
  • SEO score increasing


  • Scripts/styles must be properly enqueued through WP register functions
  • Static files creation requires writing permissions in wp-content folder
  • Your site pages must be accessible via wp_remote_get() to concatenate scripts
  • No support provided


  • Settings


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