Roles & Capabilities Roles & Capabilities

Roles & Capabilities

Created by: Ariel

Downloaded: 18k times

Manage your roles and capabilities with simple, yet powerful tools in the admin area.

“Roles & Capabilities” provides a set of tools to help administrators to manage their site roles and capabilities as well as the site users capabilities.
Only administrator will be able to access the plugin features, there is no extra capability that will grant access to this tool.

With the plugin you will be able to:

  • Create new roles.
  • Edit role capabilities and display name.
  • Clone a role into a new role.
  • Grant or revoke capabilities to roles
  • Create new capabilities.
  • Delete user defined capabilities.
  • Grant or revoke capabilities to user


This plugin is open source. You can view the source code here: Github.


  • New menu items to handle roles & capabilities.
  • New quick action "Capabilities" in users list page.
  • Quick edit user capabilities.
  • Manage your site roles.
  • Edit role capabilities easily, grant or revoke role capabilities.
  • Bulk edit actions in users page.
  • Role actions.
  • Capabilities manager page. System capabilities are not deletable.
  • Capabilities list page bulk actions.


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