Lestvica SNL

Created by: Marko Babič

Downloaded: 535 times

So far, without changing any of the plugin code, this will work on all soccer leaguges of NZS(Nogometna zveza Slovenije, official website at http://www.nzs.si).
It retrieves all data(matches played, scoresheet, …), it parses it using “PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser” made by S.C. Chen (me578022@gmail.com), included in the standings table on desired site.

More about parser can be found here : http://simplehtmldom.sourceforge.net/

The widget retrieves last update from WP options system on each visit of the website (or wherever the widget is embedded). Update rate, among other things, of the official standings can be manually set in the settings of the widget.
If more time than specified in the settings has passed, widget uses parser to get information, otherwise it simply takes it from local database (we don’t really want to spam requests on NZS).



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