
Created by: Kilian Evang

Downloaded: 4k times

Lexicographer creates an alphabetical index of your blog, using keywords you choose. The index can be included in any page, post or text widget. Here’s an example of such an index.

I wrote this plugin because I like to invent words and define them on my blog, thereby creating a dictionary distributed over several posts. Not only was there no list of all the words available, it was also that Google wouldn’t find the words because it couldn’t deal with the stress marks I put in there, dictionary-style. Lexicographer solves both of these problems.

Lexicographer’s index is divided into sections, according to the initial characters of terms. Such sections are currently created for the Latin letters (A-Z, letters with diacritics are grouped with the non-diacriticized versions), Hindi characters, and Telugu characters. A single section “#” is created for all Arabic digits (0-9). All other initial characters go into a special section titled “*”. Contributions to add support for other writing systems are welcome!


Lexicographer does not add any new elements to the WordPress admin interface. Instead, you use it as follows:

In the posts and pages where you define terms, use “Edit as HTML” and put the words and terms to index in spans of class lemma, like so: <span class="lemma">ˌsu·per·ca·liˌfra·gi·lis·ticˌex·pi·a·liˈdo·cious</span> (the stress and hyphenation marks are of course optional).

In the page (or post, or text widget) where you’d like the index to live, paste the following shortcode:


At this place, the index will be inserted. It will consist of the defined terms, linking to the definitions.

Shortcode attributes:

  • anchorlinks [true/false, default: true]: If true, anchored links to the terms
    will be created. If false, links to the post(s) containing the term will be
  • headerlevel [int, default: 3]: Which heading level to use for the capical
    characters in the index.


If you have questions or suggestions, contact me at poststelle ät texttheater döt net.



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