LH Comment Form Shortcode and Block

Created by: Peter Shaw

Downloaded: 711 times

Include a comment form or listing on any post, page, or CPT inline in the post_content of another page.

Simply add the shortcodes lh_comment_form_shortcode_form or lh_comment_form_shortcode_list to you content in the editor. Both shortcodes have one mandatory attribute.

The mandatory attribute is post_id, this is the id of the post, page, or cpt whose comment form you want displayed.If that attribute i not specified it will defaut to the current page (which is not that useful)

eg [lh_comment_form_shortcode_form post_id=”100″] or [lh_comment_form_shortcode_list post_id=”100″]

A gutenberg block with this functionality will be added in time.

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