Like Button Rating ♥ LikeBtn Like Button Rating ♥ LikeBtn

Like Button Rating ♥ LikeBtn

Created by: LikeBtn

Downloaded: 454k times

The Like Button Rating plugin allows you to add a cool looking fully customizable Like button to:

  • Posts
  • Pages
  • Comments
  • WooCommerce products
  • BuddyPress activities and members
  • bbPress forum posts and users
  • UltimateMember user profiles
  • Custom post types
  • Epoch comments

Live Demo

Like Button Rating Demo


  • GDPR compliant.
  • More than 80 parameters, 41 themes, 40 languages.
  • Custom themes and images.
  • Works on websites fully cached with WP Super Cache, WP Total Cache, CloudFlare, etc.
  • Google Rich Snippets providing five star rating in Google search results. (Learn more)
  • Sorting content by likes.
  • Real-time reports.
  • Voting statistics. (PRO/VIP/ULTRA)
  • Multisite compatible.
  • Email notifications on new votes for admin. (PRO)
  • Tracking voters by IP+Device+Cookie or by users.
  • Like box displaying users who liked an item.
  • Compatible with myCRED and GamiPress.
  • The list of the the most liked content using widget or [likebtn_most_liked] shortcode. (PRO/VIP/ULTRA)
  • The list of the content liked by the current authenticated user using widget or [likebtn_liked_by_user] shortcode. (PRO/VIP/ULTRA)
  • Shortcode [likebtn] to display the Like button inside a post or page.
  • Shortcodes [likebtn_likes] and [likebtn_dislikes] to display number of likes and dislikes.
  • Shortcode [likebtn_off] to disable the Like button in a post or page.
  • Shortcode [likebtn_category_likes] to display total number of likes for category.
  • BuddyPress notifications for authors when authenticated users like or dislike author’s content.
  • Recording like & dislike actions in BuddyPress activity stream (votes in private groups are NOT displayed in the public activity stream).
  • Custom templates for snippets in BuddyPress activity stream.
  • WPML compatible.
  • Changing number of likes or setting initial random number of likes (ULTRA).
  • Customizable position and alignment.
  • Full access to the Like button CSS.
  • Custom Like & Dislike buttons texts.
  • Right-to-left (RTL) support.
  • Allows to collect donations by adding donate buttons to popup.
  • Adds “Likes”, “Dislikes” and “Likes minus dislikes” custom fields to posts.
  • Allows to add Open Graph meta tags to posts and pages.


Like Button Plugin Homepage


Like Button Rating Plugin Documentation

The Like Button Rating plugin is powered by The plugin is commercial and provides a 7-day TRIAL. After TRIAL ends your website is switched to the FREE plan and you can continue using FREE or upgrade. Plugin also provides discounts for non-profits.

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  • Like Buttons
  • Themes
  • Mobile Friendly
  • Sorting Content by Likes
  • Most Liked Content Widget
  • Statistics
  • Settings
  • Real-Time Reports
  • Votes
  • Votes Graph
  • IP Info
  • BuddyPress Integration
  • Voters
  • Most Liked Content Widget
  • UltimateMember
  • BuddyPress
  • bbPress
  • WooCommerce


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