Lingenio Translation Service Lingenio Translation Service

Lingenio Translation Service

Created by: Schmersow-IT UG haftungsbeschraenkt

Downloaded: 1k times

With the Lingenio Translation Server (LTS) Plugin you can open your website to an international audience. Your content can be automatically translated when you create it. You can translate the languages German, English and French (soon also available for Spanish).

The range of functions of WordPress can be enlarged noticeably thanks to the Lingenio Translation Server Plugin and your complete web content can easily be displayed and published in several languages.

With the Lingenio Translation Server Plugin you can use the machine translation software by Lingenio in WordPress to enhance your productivity and professionalism. Thanks to the rule-based machine translation software your texts can easily be translated in high quality.

For more information and further support visit our plugin site

The core features of the plugin are:

  1. up to three tinyMCE for your German, English and French version of posts and texts
  2. translated menus, bios, titles, etc.
  3. translate your posts or let the LTS translate your posts automatically
  4. multilingual widgets
  5. search over all translations

How does this work?

Activate the plugin and edit a page or post. You will find a second (and third for french) tinyMCE (You can’t see them? Check the options, are they selected?). Now start texting. Use every tinyMCE for one language and build your site including title and content. Your multilingual content is stored in custom fields (meta-data) and accessed by the plugin if the specific language is selected by your visitor.

You can choose between little flag icons on top of every post, as a widget, as a theme function or by creating custom funtionality in the functions.php of your theme.

If you want to use the automatic machine translation by Lingenio you have to purchase an api key in the Lingenio webshop and then enter the key on the plugins setting page. If you want the LTS to translate your content, you have to check the box for the specific language, select a topic and save the post. After a short time your content is translated and ready to be published.


  • Use the dashboard widget to monitor your translation quota for the LTS.
  • Keep the tools you are used too: build the english version of your post with tinyMCE.
  • Everything in Wordpress is about meta-data. Translate the biographies of your authors, too.
  • Check out all features of the plugin in the settings.


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