Links shortcode Links shortcode

Links shortcode

Created by: Maarten Swemmer

Downloaded: 42k times

The plugin re-enables the Link Manager in WordPress and provides the shortcode ‘links’. This shortcode displays a list of all links having specified characteristics, for example a link category name in your post. By default it includes a Facebook Like button for every link, but this can be easily disabled.

The plugin supports a customizable template for showing links. This enables you to use the shortcode to display links in any format you like, for example in a list or a table, with or without link images, etc. All relevant properties of a link are supported and listed on the Settings page of the plugin.

The typical format for the short code is

[links option1=”x” option2=”y” etc…]

The following options are available:

  • fblike: Show the facebook Like button (default ‘1’, to disable set to any value other than ‘1’).
  • fbrecommend: Show the Facebook Recommend botton (default ”, to enable set to ‘1’).
  • orderby: Order the links by (default ‘name’). Use ‘order’ to order links by order specified with ‘My Link Order’ plugin.
  • order: How to order, ASC or DESC (default ‘DESC’).
  • limit: Limit the number of links shown (default ‘-1’, which means no limit).
  • category: Comma separated list of link category ID’s.
  • category_name: Category name of a catgeory of links to show. Overrides category parameter.
  • hide_invisible: Hide links marked as not visible (default ‘1’, yes).
  • include: Comma separated list of numeric link IDs to include. If ‘include’ is used, the category, category_name, and exclude parameters are ignored.
  • exclude: Comma separated list of numeric link IDs to exclude.
  • search: Shows all links matching this search string. It searches url, link name and link description.
  • links_per_page: To paginate lists of links. How many links to show per page. Below the links a pagination will be shown.
  • links_list_id: A unique identifyer on a page for the shortcode at hand. Mandatory in case ‘links_per_page’ is used to paginate. Optional to define custom styles for this id using css.
  • class: A class that can be inserted using the links template. You could for example use <div class=”[class]”> in the template to attache different style to different instances of the short code.
  • alttext: An alternative text that will be displayed if the shortcode does not return any links.

Dafault options can be changed on a ‘Links Shortcode’ page in the Settings menu.


[links category_name=”Blogroll”]

Using the customizable template, all properties of a link can be displayed. An example template is included. This template uses the Name, Web Address, Description and Rating of your links. The Name will link to the Web Address.

If the Name starts with a date, formatted as: yyyy-mm-dd followed by ‘:’, a separate property for the date is available.

Templates are fully customizable. For more information see

Please note that the Description of a link has a limited length, but the WordPress UI does not show this. After saving changes to a Link in the Links section, WordPress only saves the first 255 characters. This has nothing to do with this Plugin.


  • Settings page
  • Links Short code
  • Resulting list of links


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