Liquid Assets for WooCommerce

Created by: ndeet

Downloaded: 557 times

With this plugin you are able to sell your own special Liquid Assets to customers (learn more about Liquid Network). Which they can then later use to pay for a product using BTCPay Server WooCommerce plugin. Think of it like a voucher or gift card.

You can configure Liquid Asset relationship on a per product basis and during checkout the user will be asked to enter their Liquid address. After payment has been completed the token will be sent to the user through or your own Elements node.

Plugin Configuration

go to WooCommerce -> Liquid Assets Settings

choose Elements RPC or mode (depending on that continue with the matching section)
Enter the email recipients that should receive notifications in case of errors on either RPC or coinos mode. You can enter one or more separated by comma.
add your API key (JWT token) here (can be found on profile settings page)

Elements RPC:
RPC Host: enter the host or proxy accepting Elements RPC requests
RPC User: the configured RPC user (as configured in elements.conf)
RPC Pass: the password (as configured in elements.conf)

Product configuration

On the product edit form you have 2 new fields in the “General” data tab:
* Liquid Asset ID: enter Liquid Asset ID here you want to send to customer
* Customer Liquid address: the text entered here will be shown on the frontend product page as label.

Product page / Add to cart form (frontend) styling

If you enter above mentioned new product fields you will now see the label and a input text field on the product page, here the user can add their Liquid address.

The examples here apply for the default WordPress theme “twentytwentyone”. You might also need the following classes to adjust the styling of the input field and label for your custom theme.


.wcla-liquid-address-wrapper {
 margin-bottom: 30px;

.wcla-liquid-address-label {
 display: block;

input#wcla-liquid-address {
 width: 100%;

Orders and orders notes

On the orders line item you will see the users Liquid address in case anything went wrong with the API. You will also get some order notes in case there was a problem with and their API (or Elements RPC) response was not status 200 OK or the request timed out. If you configured the admin notification mails those recipients will get also emails in case there was an error.

Make also sure your account / Elements node has enough funds of Liquid Assets and L-BTC for the fees to send.



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