Login Widget With Shortcode Login Widget With Shortcode

Login Widget With Shortcode

Created by: aviplugins.com

Downloaded: 455k times

  • This is a simple login form in the widget.
  • Compatible with WordPress Multisite Installation.
  • Use this shortcode [login_widget] to use login form in your pages/ posts.
  • Just install the plugin and add the login widget in the sidebar.
  • Change some ‘optional’ settings in Login Widget Settings (admin panel left side menu) and you are good to go.
  • Add CSS as you prefer because the form structure is really very simple.
  • Use this shortcode [forgot_password] in your page to display the forgot password form. Forgot password link can be added to login widget from plugin settings page.
  • Login form is responsive.
  • Plugin is compatible with WPML plugin. You can check the compatibility at wpml.org.

Other Optional Options

  • Add CAPTCHA security in admin and frontend login forms.
  • Login Logs are stored in database ( IP, login status, login time ). PRO version has options to block IPs after certain numbers of wrong login attempts.
  • You can choose the redirect page after login. It can be a page or a custom URL.
  • Choose redirect page after logout.
  • Choose user profile page.
  • Easy CSS implementation from admin panel.

Facebook Login Widget (PRO)

There is a PRO version of this plugin that supports login with Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Amazon and Instagram accounts. Get it for USD 6.00

Click here for more details | Click here for a Live Demo

  • The PRO version comes with a FREE Content Restriction Addon. Partial contents of Pages/ Posts or the complete Page/Post can be hidden from visitors of your site.
  • Compatible with WooCommerce plugin.
  • Compatible with WordPress Multisite Installation.
  • Login Logs are stored in database. IPs gets Blocked after a certain numbers of wrong login attempts. This ensures site’s security.
  • IPs can be Blocked permanently from admin panel.
  • Captcha login securiy in Frontend and Admin login Forms.
  • Restrict Admin panel Access for selected user Roles. For example you can restrict Admin Panel access for “Subscriber” and “Contributor” from your site.
  • Use Shortcode to display login form in Post or Page.
  • Use only Social Icons for logging in. No need to put the entire login form.
  • Change welcome text “Howdy” from plugin settings section.
  • Manage Forgot Password Email Body.
  • Easy CSS implementation from admin panel.
  • And with other useful settings. Click here for details

Social Login No Setup

The plugin supports login with 30+ sites. The most important part is that it requires no Setups, no Maintanance, no need to create any APPs, APIs, Client Ids, Client Secrets or anything. Get it for USD 3.00. Supported sites are listed below.

  • Facebook
  • Google
  • YouTube
  • Google Drive
  • Gmail
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • PayPal
  • Yahoo
  • Microsoft
  • WordPress
  • Amazon
  • Github
  • Tumblr
  • Vimeo
  • Reddit
  • Dribbble
  • Twitch
  • Medium
  • Discord
  • Line
  • Stack Exchange
  • Stack Overflow
  • Disqus
  • Blogger
  • Meetup
  • Foursquare
  • Yandex
  • VKontakte
  • Telegram
  • Dropbox
  • Fitbit
  • Slack
  • Deviantart
  • Mailchimp
  • Skype

Click here for more details | Click here for Live Demo

Post your plugin related queries at https://www.aviplugins.com/support.php


  • Login widget
  • Login widget
  • Admin login with captcha security
  • General Settings
  • Security Settings
  • Error Message Settings
  • Style Settings
  • Email Settings
  • Users Login Log
  • Forgot Password form
  • Facebook Comments Addon
  • WPML Plugin compatibility Certificate.
  • Google reCaptcha settings


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