Easy search and use CC-licensed images for WP Easy search and use CC-licensed images for WP

Easy search and use CC-licensed images for WP

Created by: lenasterg, nts on cti.gr, sch.gr

Downloaded: 3k times

Easy search and use CC-licensed images for WP helps you search millions of free photos using the Openverse API and insert the original image into your content or set as featured image very quickly.
It allows the user to filter the provider source.
The plugin is inspired and based on the [CCSearch] (https://ccsearch.creativecommons.org/) and it wouldnt’t be possible without the Openverse API.

After the plugin’s activation, you can see the “Image with CC License” button above the editor and as option into the “Add Media” pop-up window.
By pressing it you can search using Latin characters for an image, browse the returned images, preview an image and its license and adjust the image settings:
– use of thumbnail or original image,
– set the image link (if any).
– Insert the image into the post or as featured image.


  • Works in WordPress editor and add a button above the content text area and into the “Add Media” pop-up window.
  • Via a pop-up window, allows searching through millions of images using Creative Commons Catalog API power.
  • Allows filtering by a provider
  • Paginated results
  • Quick insert original image or thumbnail with an (optional) link to the image URL or the original site
  • Use image as a featured image for the blog post
  • WPML compatible
  • Multisite compatible
  • Translation ready (it’s already translated in Greek)
  • Tested up to WordPress 5.9 with Classic Editor plugin

You can find a blog post in opensource.creativecommons.org about the inspiration and how it works.

NOTE 1: Please, verify the license at the source. Creative Commons does not host the content and does not verify that the content is properly CC-licensed or that the attribution information is accurate or complete.
Please follow the link to the source of the content to independently verify before reuse.

NOTE 2: Currently, the plugin needs Classic Editor in order to work for WP 5+.


  • Multiple images select support
  • Gutenberg compatibility
  • Multiselect options for filtering: providers
  • select options for filtering: licenses, creator
  • Image for the ‘Image with CC license’ editor button
  • Info page
  • Initial step for registring in the API and use of Bearer authentication


  • The plugin is inspired and based on the [CC Search] (https://ccsearch.creativecommons.org/) and wouldnt’t be possible without the [Creative Commons Catalog API] (https://api.openverse.engineering)
  • The plugin’s code is based on the [WP Pexels] (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-pexels/) code by WPclever.net
  • Pointer’s code is based on [https://code.tutsplus.com/articles/integrating-with-wordpress-ui-admin-pointers–wp-26853] (https://code.tutsplus.com/articles/integrating-with-wordpress-ui-admin-pointers–wp-26853)
  • Many thanks to Stavroula Stasinou for the free creation of header image and plugin icon.


  • The "Image with CC license" button on editor
  • Search for an image
  • Preview of an image and its license.
  • Image settings: use of thumbnail or original image, set the image link (if any). Insert the image into the post or as featured image.
  • The image and it's license into the editor


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