Creates “top” link on your web so that visitors could simply get back to the top of your site.

Plugin has it’s own subpage in dashbord where you can specify:

  • Plugin disable ( alown not to output enything on front end )
  • Distance from wich to show button ( can be set in px or % )
  • Scroll speed
  • Type of the button. Currently there’s 3 types: button, image, vk style ( sticked to side and 100% height)
  • Text of the button
  • Images on default and hovered state
  • Text font size
  • Width and height
  • Wertical and horizontal position of the button
  • The insets.
  • Opacity on default and hovered state
  • Colors ( text and beckground defaults and hovered states )
  • Border
  • Border radius
  • Text shadow
  • Box shadow
  • You can specify element classes
  • Custom styles
  • Languages: Supports Russian and English.


    • Add image + text support

Note: In new plugin settings ( starting from version 1.0 ) by default “Disable plugin” setting is set to true ( checked ) it means that plugin wount output enuthing in front end. So you need to uncheck it to work! ( for thous who is updating the value will be changed automaticaly )

Note: Plugin was developed on WordPress 3.7.1 and haven’t been tested on earlear versions.

If you find some bug or if plugin isn’t working feel free to write in the support and i’ll answer or make changes do fix bugs.

Also if you have translated plugin to your language you can send me .mo and .po files and i’ll add them to plugin

And if you have suggestions how i can improve plugin write me about theme


  • Settings page
  • Settings page continue
  • Settings page end
  • 3 different button types that can be chosed ( left: VK style type, middle: image type, right: button type )


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