Mage Front End Forms Mage Front End Forms

Mage Front End Forms

Created by: Mage Cast

Downloaded: 5k times

Mage Front End Forms allows you to create a Front End post submission form for any post type. Each post form can have unique settings with fully customizable fields and design.

Submit and Edit Posts from the Frontend

You can create multiple forms for users to submit and edit posts, pages or any custom post type from the front-end.

Custom Taxonomy Dropdows and Taggable input fields

Allow users to select categories, tags or any custom taxonomy. Selecting a category or custom taxonomy with child terms will automatically open a subcategory dropdown until a term is chosen that has no child terms. You can also include taggable input for post tag taxonomies or other multi-select fields.

Frontend Featured Image and Attachment Uploads

Upload a featured image or a whole gallery via the attachment upload feature, all easily managed from the frontend. Set a limit to how many attachments each post can have and what file types to allow. Users can manage, arrange, label and remove uploads directly form the front-end form.

Complete Customizable Forms and Custom Meta Fields

Choose what post fields you want users to submit. You can include infinite custom fields that save as custom post meta and set their requirements. The form builder allows complete custimization via the editor, letting you place input fields freely with any design.

User Form Submission Settings

You can restrict frontend posting to users with a minimum role, such as admins, editors, subscribers or even allow the public (non-members) to submit a form. Other settings allow you choose whether to submit a post in a pending or draft status, or to publish immediately; where to redirect users after submission; which email to notify upon submisson; and many other custom settings.

Features and Addons

Mage Front End Forms is a free frontend post plugin for your site and contains the best features and customization options. To enhance your Mage Forms with more advanced features and tools, the following addons are at your disposal:

  • Customizable User Posts dashboard to manage submissions, with integrated post edit and delete options.
  • Register users after form submissions with new sign-up fields. Ideal for guest posting and public forms.
  • Product submission forms with WooCommerce compatibility.
  • and other upcoming premium addons.

Front End User Form Examples

Mage Front End Forms are ideal for custom WordPress sites with robust content-publishing features. Here are a few types of websites that can benefit from these frontend user posting capabilities:

  • Guest Post forms and Multi-Author Blogs.
  • Online Business Directory with Listing/Address Submissions
  • User Profile and Event Forms on custom social networks.
  • Public Product Submissions on Marketplace websites.
  • Many more…


  • Snapshot of Dogsniffer Listing Forms
  • A default Front End Post Form
  • Creating Mage Forms in Admin Editor


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