Email to users about new posts and pages.Send custom email. Well formatted email with nice email template. Email to user groups like subscribers, authors, administrator etc. Woocommerce products email notification to users. There are user can see own email only.

Take a look at this video to see the plugin in action:

Check Video Tutorial

Plugin features:-

  • Post notification to users
  • Page notification to users
  • Woocommerce products notification to users
  • Custom Email to users groups
  • Custom Email to individual users
  • Users can unsubscribe emails
  • List of unsubscribed users
  • Emails privacy
  • Re-subscriber users – (pro feature)
  • Mail2users meta box for all type of posts
  • Nice Email template
  • Multiple Email template – (pro feature)
  • Easy to use

How to install:-

  • Download the plugin .zip file
  • Click Plugins -> Add New -> Upload
  • Find Mail to users WordPress Plugin in plugin list and activate it

How it works:-

Notify users about post and page

  • Goto add new post/page
  • Create your post/page
  • Before publishing select user groups from right sidebar

Custom email to users

  • Goto Mail to users in menu
  • select users or user roles from right sidebar
  • compose email and send

Check our other plugins


  • Post notification to user group
  • Page notification to user group
  • Custom emails
  • Nice email template


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