Maintenance & Coming Soon Redirect Animation Maintenance & Coming Soon Redirect Animation

Maintenance & Coming Soon Redirect Animation

Created by: Yassine Idrissi

Downloaded: 20k times

This super lightweight plugin is intended primarily for developers , designers and site administrators that need to allow clients to preview site before being available to the general public or to temporarily hide it while undergoing major updates.

Any logged in user with WordPress administrator privileges will be allowed to view the site regardless of the settings in the plugin. The exact privilege can be set using a filter hook – see FAQs.

The behaviour of this can be enabled or disabled at any time without losing any of settings configured in its settings pane. However, deactivating the plugin is recommended versus having it activated while disabled.

When redirect is enabled it can send a different header types.

A list of IP addresses can be set up to completely bypass maintenance mode. This option is useful when needing to allow a client’s entire office to access the site while in maintenance mode without needing to maintain individual access keys.

Access keys work by creating a key on the user’s computer that will be checked against when maintenance mode is active. When a new key is created, a link to create the access key cookie will be emailed to the email address provided. Access can then be revoked either by disabling or deleting the key.

Whitelisted User Roles – user roles who see the site, instead of under maintenance page

Whitelisted Users – users who see the site, instead of maintenance page

Animations :

Animation on the web is not only fun, but engaging in such a way that it has converted site visitors into customers even before will be available to the general public and it will make them eagerly await its launch.

You can either choose your animation from the library or upload your own; this animation will be shown in front of your site when it is undergoing maintenance.

Notes :
✔ This plugin will override any other maintenance plugin you use.
✔ All settings are auto-updated , you don’t need to save anything .

WP-CLI Commands :

Note : before you begin run these commands make sure you have wp-cli installed on your server and your are in your WordPress site Root folder

✔ To install the plugin via wp-cli : sudo wp plugin install maintenance-coming-soon-redirect-animation --allow-root
✔ To activate it : sudo wp plugin activate maintenance-coming-soon-redirect-animation --allow-root
✔ To deactivate it : sudo wp plugin deactivate maintenance-coming-soon-redirect-animation --allow-root
✔ To uninstall it : sudo wp plugin uninstall maintenance-coming-soon-redirect-animation --allow-root
Note : before you can uninstall the plugin you have to deactivate it first
✔ To Update the plugin : sudo wp plugin update maintenance-coming-soon-redirect-animation --allow-root


  • Welcome screen after installation / Maintenance Mode Disabled
  • Header Type Tab
  • Unrestricted IP adresses Tab
  • Send an Access key to specific user
  • Access key link email
  • Access keys Tab Updated / Access key is activated for the user
  • Active or Selected Animation
  • Upload an animation from Media library
  • Selected animation from the animations Library
  • Animations for different purposes : Update, security, coming soon, under construction ..
  • Maintenance message displayed under animation
  • Extra Tab : Whitelisted User Roles & Whitelisted Users
  • Maintenance Front Page
  • Site Health Status
  • WP-CLI Commands
  • Update plugin through WP-CLI


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