Make Filename Lowercase Make Filename Lowercase

Make Filename Lowercase

Created by: Ed Reckers (Red Bridge Internet)

Downloaded: 7k times

Sets uploaded media filename to lowercase as filter on sanitize_file_name. Based on post at Stack Overflow asking if there is a way to “Rename files during upload within WordPress 3.0 backend”.

Created for WordPress 3.0.1+ which saves any uploaded media filename (Image, Video, Audio) as lowercase. This effectively changes the name of the file at upload if a user were to upload a file with any uppercase characters.

For instance:

  • Movie-File.wmv > movie-file.wmv
  • ImAgEfILe.gif > imagefile.gif
  • imageFile.JPG > imagefile.jpg
  • ETC > etc

Note: WordPress sets file extension to lowercase. This plugin does a strtolower on the filename.

More Information

Visit the Red Bridge Internet site for more information about Make Filename Lowercase plugin.


  • Upload media filename of mixed case (in this case, the file MIXED-cAsE-filename.JPG).
  • Filename changed to lowercase (mixed-case-filename.jpg) preserving the case for Title.
  • An image detail view from the Media Library showing the new File name as lowercase.


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