MakeITeasy Popup MakeITeasy Popup

MakeITeasy Popup

Created by: Lovro Hrust

Downloaded: 1k times

Need popups to grab your users’ attention? Marketing call-to-actions that open on scroll, timer, click, matched referer or even hover?
Multiple popups on one page? This plugin has it all. It provides styling consistent with core block editor blocks plus additional features.

Why choose Makeiteasy Popup?

❗ Unlike some other plugins, Makeiteasy Popup integrates seamlessly with WordPress,
feeling like a native, built-in WP block. It’s lightweight and self-sufficient,
without the heavy burden of a large blocks library.
It relies on a single tiny dependency – micromodal.js – with a combined total of only 10 kB of JavaScript ❗

πŸ‘† Try demo – there is a “Live preview” button on the top of this page πŸ‘†

Key Features

  • πŸ₯‡ Feature-Rich and free.
  • πŸ₯ˆ Fully Open Source: Including the block source code. Fork and adjust as needed.
  • πŸ₯‰ Developer friendly: Hooks for modifications and unopinionated starting CSS.
  • ⏲️ Future-Proof Compatibility: Guaranteed compatibility with future WordPress versions.

Known limitations

Currently, opening several modal popups simultaneously is impossible due to the limitations of the Micromodal.js library.
Future versions will replace this library with the native Dialog HTML element, including automatic migration for existing popups.

Block options

The block sidebar provides many options, most of which function similarly to other blocks. Notable options include:
Opening time selector: See the detailed section below.
Layout type: Floating, Fixed, Attached
Popup Enabled: Temporarily hide the popup without deleting it.
Open on interval: Open on given interval in days.
Open on matching referer: Open if the user’s referral URL matches.

Layout Types

  • Floating: popup floats above content. Clicking on area outside popup closes it.
  • Fixed: popup is “fixed” to one of sides of screen — top, bottom, right, left
  • Attached: popup is attached to element on screen. When user scrolls, it moves with it.


Github repository

Changing the Close button

Using Javascript:

import { ReactComponent as CloseIcon } from '../assets/close-x.svg';
addFilter( 'makeiteasy-closeButtonIcon', 'makeiteasy/makeiteasy-popup/close-icon', () => (<CloseIcon />) );

If you customize button this way and you already have posts(or pages) with popup block,
on post reopening the message “This block contains unexpected or invalid content.” will be presented.
In such case choose “Attempt to repair block” and if it looks good, save post.

Using PHP:

add_action( 'render_block_makeiteasy/popup', function($content) {
  $svg = file_get_contents( __DIR__ . '/path_to_file/close-button-dark.svg' );
  return preg_replace(
} );

Attaching Code to Modal Events

Custom events ‘makeiteasy/openModal’ and ‘makeiteasy/closeModal’ are fired on modal open and close.


  • Standard modal popup
  • Popup attached to top of screen, modeless
  • Various elements in popup
  • Modeless popup attached to element


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