Marzo Negro Ribbon Marzo Negro Ribbon

Marzo Negro Ribbon

Created by: Rafael Poveda - RaveN

Downloaded: 1k times

A black ribbon with the hastagh “#MarzoNegro” or will be put on in the top right corner of your website, linking to the #MarzoNegro Facebook Page in Spain and #BlackMarch Facebook Page. Look at the screenshots to see how the ribbon looks.

BlackMarch is a movement to show the industry that the digital thing only makes benefits, something that they already know. To prove it to them, in the Black March we will be a complete month without buying culture (going to cinemas, buying comics…)

This is a large-scale event. Please try not to buy thing from multinationals, but continue supporting your local commerces.
During this month, buy from self-published authors, artists, independent musicians, small presses… Creators are at the core of entertainment but never get their fair share of profit and respect. Create Fair Trade Entertainment!

If you are going to affiliate to the idea or want to share it, this is your plugin. Thank you for showing your support!

MarzoNegro es un movimiento para mostrar a la industria que lo digital sólo amplía miras, algo que ya saben. Para probárselo, durante el Marzo Negro no consumiremos cultura.

Esto es un evento a gran escala. Intenta no darle dinero a las multinacionales, pero sigue consumiendo cultura local.
Durante este mes, compra cultura auto-editada, músicos independientes, artistas locales, pequeñas editoriales… Los creadores son el centro del entretenimiento y nunca obtienen ni los beneficios ni el respeto que merecen. ¡Creemos un entretenimiento de Comercio Justo!

Si quieres unirte a la idea o compartirla, puedes hacerlo con este plugin. ¡Gracias por tu ayuda!


  • Here's how the ribbon will appear on your website. Will link to the #MarzoNegro facebook site.
  • Admin panel


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