McNinja Post Styles McNinja Post Styles

McNinja Post Styles

Created by: TomHarrigan

Downloaded: 3k times

Go to the homepage or blog page of a site, chances are, all of the posts look similar: A title, an excerpt and a featured image. Why not display the most important part of your posts to readers and actually give them a reason to click on your post a read it? That’s what this plugin does.

To enable Post Style formatting functionality, go to Settings->Reading and select “Enable Post Style formatting.”

McNinja Post Styles is what we always wanted Post Formats to be: powerful, flexible and extendable. Unleash the creativity of your content.

McNinja Post Styles can display content based on the Post Style of a post. For example, if your post has a video in it and you’ve selected the ‘Video’ style, your blog page, category pages, etc. will display that video rather than an excerpt.

Post Styles can be selected for a Post from the ‘Edit Post’ screen.

For more information or to follow the project, check out the project page.

McNinja Post Styles…

  • Allows authors to choose how to display a Post
  • Supports all of the formats added by Post Formats (aside, gallery, link, image, quote, status, video, audio, chat) so that if your theme made use of Post Formats, the same templates can be used.


  • <p>Example of posts utlizing Post Styles with 'video', 'image', and 'standard' post styles.</p>
  • <p>A post excerpt using the Gallery post style</p>
  • <p>A post excerpt using the Playlist post style</p>
  • <p>A post excerpt using the List post style</p>
  • <p>A post excerpt using the Video post style</p>
  • <p>A post excerpt using the Embed post style</p>
  • <p>A post excerpt using the Quote post style</p>
  • <p>The metabox added to the Post Edit screen</p>
  • <p>Option on Settings -&gt; Reading screen to enable Post Style formatting</p>


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