meBounce – Best Lead Generation Tool meBounce – Best Lead Generation Tool

meBounce – Best Lead Generation Tool

Created by: Medust

Downloaded: 863 times

meBounce is a WordPress plugin & powerful tool that converts your WordPress website visitors more into subscribers. This helps you to grow your email list significantly & fast. Download the subscribers list in CSV format and then import this list to your email marketing platform, like mailchimp and grow your business like never before.

meBounce encourage your visitors to put their information before leaving your blog and website pages.

Here are few benefits of getting meBounce, than getting from other similar services:

  • MailChimp Integration
  • CSV Download of subscriber mailing list for those who are using other marketing tools except MailChimp.
  • Grow Email List
  • Recover abandoning visitors
  • Reduce bounce rate
  • More email subscriber
  • Import list in any email marketing tool
  • Increase in Sales


  • <p>How the meBounce popup will show on your blog/website.</p>
  • <p>meBounce settings page, where you can customize/manage its behaviour.</p>
  • <p>meBounce popup customization settings page</p>
  • <p>Subscribers list page</p>
  • <p>MailChimp Setting page</p>
  • <p>CSV Download Page</p>


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