Mapping file(s) from Internet Archive ( into WordPress Media Library.

Supported File Types:
* Any file for general addition
* JPG/PNG/GIF files for picture meta-data
* [FUTURE (v1.1)] MP3 files for audio meta-data
* [FUTURE] More types to be added in due-course.

* Mapping file(s) from Internet Archive into WordPress Media Library.
* Determination of MIME type from file extension (for images and mp3 only).
* Real meta-data added for JPG/PNG/GIF files.
* [FUTURE (v1.1+ as above)] Addition of real meta-data to WordPress for file where available, or sensible generic meta-data where not.
* [FUTURE (v1.2+ as above)] Option to manually edit the meta-data.

* PHP 5.3.0
* WordPress 3.5 or greater

How it works:

  1. Upload file(s) to Internet Archive (
  2. Set up IA prefix in Admin >> Media >> Internet Archive Media Library >> URL Prefix.
  3. Add file name in WordPress Admin >> Media >> Internet Archive Media Library >> Map File.
  4. Go to WordPress Admin >> Media >> Library. Now you can see your Internet Archive file in preview.
  5. Once added you can edit meta-data and/or delete media from the Media Library in the normal way.


  • See version numbering next to [FUTURE] statements for anticipated future functionality steps.



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