Meetup Widgets Meetup Widgets

Meetup Widgets

Created by: Kelly Dwan

Downloaded: 9k times

For use with a group.

This plugin creates two widgets: one a list of events from a meetup group (by ID or URL name, for multiple groups use IDs); the other shows details about single event (by ID) with a link to RSVP – using OAuth if keys are specified, otherwise just a link to the event on Does require at least an API key (which it asks for on the settings page).


  • Example of the single event detail widget, shows title, date, an excerpt of the description, number of currently-rsvp'd attendees, a link to RSVP (through OAuth if configured), and the location (linking to a google map).
  • Example of the upcoming event list widget. Lists a set number of events from the group you specify, title & date.


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