Meta Tag Manager Meta Tag Manager

Meta Tag Manager

Created by: Pixelite

Downloaded: 924k times

Meta Tags Manager is a powerful yet simple, lightweight plugin which allows you to add custom meta tags to your site. Features include:

  • Supports meta tags including the name, property, http-equiv, charset and itemprop attributes.
  • Choose from predefined types, such as ‘name=”keyword”‘ or create your own by typing it in.
  • Add meta tags to specific posts, choose what Custom Post Types to support from our settings page.
  • Add global meta tags that will display on specific CPTs, Taxonomies, your front page or your whole site.
  • Automatically add Open Graph details to your home page.
  • Automatically add Schema and Structured Data to your home page.
  • Add Google Sitelinks and Sitelinks Search markup.
  • Easily add verification codes for services like Facebook, Google Webmaster Tools, Bing Webmaster Tools, Yandex and more (or… create your own custom meta tags!).

Use cases include:

  • Adding Google and Yahoo site verification tags
  • Adding additional open graph, twitter card or other social media meta info not supported by other SEO/Meta plugins

Go Pro for many newly added features, including:

  • Dynamic placeholders to include data about the page being displayed, such as page title, comment count, thumbnail URLs and more!
  • Additional contexts to add global meta tags, as well as exclusion rules for finer-grained controls.
  • Shortcode support within meta descriptions, allowing for more dynamic data insertion with plugins such as ACF
  • Unique tag detaction of Meta Tag Manager tags with hierarchical precedence, avoid creating duplicate meta tags.
  • Taxonomy support – create meta tags for individual taxonomy term pages such as a single tag or category.
  • More to come! Go Pro now and get an early-bird discount of up to 50%!


  • <p>Once the plugin is activated you can add/edit/delete tags from the menu in <em>Settings &gt; Meta Tag Manager</em></p>
  • <p>You can also choose what post types to manage specific meta tags</p>
  • <p>If enabled you can add meta tags to a specific post in it's own meta box</p>


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