Metronet Tag Manager Metronet Tag Manager

Metronet Tag Manager

Created by: Metronet Tag Manager

Downloaded: 251k times

Integrate Google Tag Manager into your website.

The great thing about Google Tag Manager (GTM) is that you are able to gather most of your tracking scripts in one place. You can then fire these scripts whenever you want, specified by the rules you set up. This sounds great, right? Well, it is. The only problem is that sometimes it takes some time to set these rules up. This implementation can either set a dataLayer variable in the dataLayer before the tag manager script is loaded or push an HTML event handler with the variable “event” to the dataLayer when a button is clicked. The problem is that this isn’t always that easy to do when you don’t have the ability/access to add the code to your site.

This is where the Metronet Tag Manager plugin shines. It unlocks the power of the dataLayer so you can easily set macros and firing rules on almost any element.

This plugin lets you:

  • Easily add as many dataLayer variables per-post and per-page basis as needed.
  • The plugin already gives you six predefined dataLayer variables you can change/remove or test the system with. These will be loaded on all pages and posts.
  • Set up separate dataLayer variables for pages that aren’t posts or pages (like archives, etc).
  • Lets you easily add an HTML event handler to any content link with the GTM TinyMCE button in the WYSIWYG.
  • Lets you add your unique ID or a class to each content link with the GTM TinyMCE button in the WYSIWYG.

Please note that for this plugin to work, a slight customization is needed. WordPress doesn’t let you load scripts straight after the opening tag, where the GTM script needs to be placed to work correctly. To fix this, you need to add <?php do_action( 'body_open' ); ?> just after the <body> tag, and that’s it.

Note, If you are using WordPress 5.2. and up, contact your theme developer and ask them to insert <?php wp_body_open(); ?> just after the opening body tag of their theme. Here is some code to show the theme developer to make it compatible with Metronet Tag Manager.

Please let us know if you have any feature requests or issues with this plugin.

Below are a couple of resources you might find valuable if you are new to Google Tag Manager

Official Google Tag Manager website

Tracking Google Analytics Events with Google Tag Manager

Make Analytics Better with Tag Management and a Data Layer

Filtering Variables

If you choose to place variable values inside percentage signs (e.g., %replace_test%), you can filter these as necessary.

Here’s an example:

add_filter( 'gtm_replace_test', 'gtm_replace_test', 10, 3 );
function gtm_replace_test( $total_match, $match, $post_id ) {
    return "replaced with content";

The filter name is gtm_ with the suffix of replace_test, since that content is inbetween the percentage signs.


  • Google Tag Manager account dashboard
  • Google Tag Manager Workspace
  • Recommended Google Tag Manager snippet
  • Google Tag Manager snippet inside the plugin


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