mher list Subpages mher list Subpages

mher list Subpages

Created by: Michael H.E. Roth

Downloaded: 158 times

Lists the subpages of the current page with multiple options, including defining your own templates for the listings

Configurable Settings

  • Default Fallback image in case the subpage does not have a featured image and on shortcode level no fallback image has been set
  • Custom html-templates for listing the subpages
    • accessable via number or name
    • placeholders to use in the templates
      • {{ url }} – url of the subpage
      • {{ title }} – title of the subpage
      • {{ img }} – html-code for the featured image of the subpage
      • {{ img_url }} – just the url of the featured image of the subpage
      • {{ blocks }} – the via name selected blocks of the subpage
    • For security reasons no javascript is allowed in the user defined templates and will be silently removed after rendering.

Shortcode Options

  • template= – either the number or the name of the custom template
  • blocks_named= – fetches and renders all blocks of the corresponding subpage and replaces {{ blocks }} in the selected template – default for blocks_named: teaser – to make sure no blocks are used, use the dash, like: blocks=-
  • image_id= – id of an image in the media library to be used as a fallback image in case a subpage does not have a featured image
  • image_size= – any registered image size possible – default: thumbnail
  • list= – a comma-separated list of page-ids that should be listed INSTEAD of the subpages of the current page (combinable with include= and exclude= even though this does not make much sense)
  • exclude= – a comma-separated list of page-ids that should NOT be listed
  • prepend= – a comma-separated list of page-ids that should be listed before the subpages (combinable with exclude= and append= and even list=, although this makes little sense)
  • append= – a comma-separated list of page-ids that should be listed after the subpages (combinable with exclude= and prepend= and even list=, although this makes little sense)

Subpages, that do not have blocks, i.e. “classic” pages, and subpages that do not have blocks with the given name, will be shown without content.


  • The Options Configuration Page
  • The Default Output in the Frontend


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