Mimo Carousel Mimo Carousel

Mimo Carousel

Created by: mimothemes

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Creates a shortcode to display Carousels with custom loops. Use the shortcode like this: [mimo_carousel id=”the carousel id”] , you can use this plugin with Woocommerce to make a products carusel. Mimo Carousel plugin is completely compatible with Page Builder by Siteorigin plugin.

With its widget or shortcode, this plugin can be used to create a woocommerce products slider with 1,2,3,4 or more columns. with more than 1 column it has a carousel view that works perfectly to showcase your products or posts.

Set different options

Loop options

  1. -offset
  2. -Categories to show
  3. Number of posts
  4. Image size to use
  5. Custom Post Type to use, you can use Woocommerce products for example in the Carousels
  6. Exclude Post
  7. Order
  8. Order by

Design Options

  1. Hide Title of posts
  2. Hide Excerpt of posts
  3. Hide images of posts
  4. Use your own theme templates, for theme developers, see developer instructions

Carousel Options

  1. Show/Hide dots
  2. Show/Hide arrows
  3. Accessibility: Enables tabbing and arrow key navigation
  4. Adaptive Height: Enables adaptive height for single slide horizontal carousels.
  5. Autoplay
  6. Autoplay Speed
  7. As Nav for: Set the slider to be the navigation of other slider (Class or ID Name)
  8. draggable
  9. Kind of easing
  10. lazyLoad
  11. pauseOnHover
  12. mobileFirst : Responsive settings use mobile first calculation
  13. pauseOnDotsHover
  14. rows
  15. slidesPerRow
  16. slidesToShow: Number of posts to show
  17. slidesToScroll: In each horizontal scroll
  18. speed
  19. touchMove
  20. vertical
  21. rtl
  22. variableWidth: Variable width slides


Usage instructions

Create your Carousels in WordPress Dashboard/Carousels

Use shortcode [mimo_carousel id=”the carousel post id”] to display carousels or use Mimo Carousel Widget

Developer instructions

Apart from the options inside widget you can manipulate the before/after loop and articles content with this actions:

do_action(‘mimo_carousel_before_content’); // The beginnning of content inside each article
do_action(‘mimo_carousel_after_content’); // The end of content inside each article
do_action(‘mimo_carousel_before_loop’); // Out of the loop
do_action(‘mimo_carousel_after_loop’); // Out of the loop

Create a folder in your theme called ‘mimo-carousel’ and inside a folder called ‘partials’, then create a file insise, called ‘mimo-carousel-content.php’, to overwrite content template for posts. You can especify here which template to use for the posts view inside carousel. This would be normally the template called content.php in your theme.

Example of file ‘mimo-carousel-content.php’ :

[Example 1][markdown syntax]

if(class_exists('Woocommerce') && get_post_type() == 'product' ) {
    //Use woocommerce template of theme
    get_template_part( 'woocommerce/content','product');  

} else {
    //Use post template of theme
    get_template_part( 'template-parts/content');  

[markdown syntax]

Find plugin and issues solved at Mimo Studio


  • Shows the widget in action just showing some products of Woocommerce plugin


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