Tired of boring lists of recent posts?

Taking advantage of the date to color algorithm used in the Kaleidoscope theme, the Mini Quilt plugin provides a more colorful way of presenting your recent (or random) posts. It also provides–by virtue of the carefully selected color–your readers with implicit information about when those posts were written. Your widgetized areas have never been so good at letting your visitors know what other wonders your blog offers.


  • Three different instances of the Mini Quilt widget used on the Coraline Theme. While I wouldn't necessarily recommend doing this on your blog (it's probably too much of a good thing), it shows the versatility of the types of Widgets you can make with this plugin. The biggest one has large and labeled patches, the left one is what I call a "Mini Bar", and the right one is a small and label-less little quilt.
  • Two instances of the plugin used on the Kaleidoscope theme. The theme--by now a bit long in the tooth--is the progenitor of this color idea, and showcases how far you can take the date-to-color idea.
  • A single simple quilt on the new Twenty Eleven default theme.


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