MJ Contact us is a simple and easy to integreate with any design and easy to change in coding as per requirement and easy to

handle contact us form. client can easy integrate this . make sure that your header.php file consist wp_head() and footer.php file should consist wp_footer(); function to use proper use of any plugin

these are some of features that this plugin consist

  • – easy to install.
  • – easy to integrate with any html design
  • – easy to change html formate as per design requirement.
  • – easy to manupulate jQuery validations according to requirement
  • – easy to call using two method one is using shortcode [mjcontactus] and other using paste this code

    mj_contact_us(); php code

  • – fast form
  • – easy to add new fields by customising form
  • – easy to understand coding standard
  • – contact us with numeric captcha
  • – cotact us with string captcha
  • – contact us form with dynamic form creation capability
  • – contact us form with dynamic fields creation capability
  • – contact us form with save dynamic form capability


  • <p>Simple contact us form screen shot.</p>
  • <p>Validation view of form.</p>
  • <p>Admin area for setting.</p>
  • <p>Add dynamic form area.</p>
  • <p>Add only save Data form.</p>
  • <p>Manage dynamic created forms.</p>
  • <p>Create dynamic fields for forms.</p>
  • <p>Manage Fields area.</p>
  • <p>Manage Saved form area.</p>


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