Module Pager

Created by: yama-dev

Downloaded: 322 times

Management tools for any custom pagination.


  • You can manage any pagination from the management screen
  • A sample description is prepared in advance (you can use it as it is after installation)
  • You can write the next button and the previous button individually.
  • Since there are restrictions on the HTML that can be registered, it is also taken into consideration in case of emergency.
  • Can be easily extended with Mustache notation.

  • 管理画面から、あらゆるページネーションを管理できます

  • 予めサンプルの記述が用意されています(インストール後にそのまま利用できます)
  • 次へボタン、前へボタン、を個別に記載できます
  • 登録できるHTMLに制限があるので、万が一の場合も考慮されています
  • ムスタッシュ記法で簡単に拡張することができます

How to use

$pager = new Wp_Module_Pager();
[wp-module-pager base_path=/]
[wp-module-pager base_path=/news/category/'.$term_obj->slug.'/]
// Archive Page.
echo do_shortcode('[wp-module-pager base_path=/]');

// Tax Page.
echo do_shortcode('[wp-module-pager base_path=/news/category/'.$term_obj->slug.'/]');



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