Molin AI

Created by: Molin AI Ltd

Downloaded: 379 times

Sell more products & reduce customer support with your shop’s ChatGPT.

Molin is a conversational AI chatbot which uses your shop’s data with advanced AI language models to instantly answer customer queries in over 92 languages. It not only converts visitors to customers with personalized product recommendations but also resolves customer issues instantly. Plus, Molin boosts sales by offering discounts and promo codes, enhancing your shop’s rating and strengthening your brand’s customer connection.

  • Reply instantly: Answer customer questions instantly in 92+ languages.
  • Sell more: Recommend products to your customers in conversation to sell more.
  • Collect leads: Let your AI collect visitors’ emails seamlessly.
  • Train your AI: Make your AI follow specific rules and conversational format.
  • Get better reviews: Boost ratings and strengthen your brand’s customer connect.

This plugin will embed the Molin AI widget on your website.
Your visitors will be able to chat with your AI and get instant answers to their questions.
You will be able to configure every aspect of the integration from the Molin AI dashboard.

By installing this plugin, you agree to our [](Terms and Privacy Policy).



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