Moneybookers Gateway For eShop Moneybookers Gateway For eShop

Moneybookers Gateway For eShop

Created by: L.Ch.Rajkumar

Downloaded: 2k times

This plugin is an addon for an existing WordPress plugin called, “ESHOP”(eShop for WordPress) which will add up the Moneybookers merchant gateway functionality along with other gateways.

Existing Features:

  • Uses HTTPS which is very secure while performing payments.
  • Uses & Displays Hassle free payment/checkout page.
  • Added “Payment Status” entry field in the admin panel which should be filled up with correct e-mail of merchant who is holding/not holding account in Moneybookers.
  • Displays two type’s of payment form(s) for any user. First one namely, a full signup form will be displayed to the user only when he/she is not having Moneybookers(Skrill) account. Second one is namely, a login form of the user/buyer will be displayed if he/she is having account in Moneybookers based on his/her email provided in Checkout form.
  • Now, payment status will be sended to merchant instantly when any eShop customer buy(s) any product from the store.
  • This plugin works well when the setting of Checkout in eShop admin panel is set as “No” for “Minimal Checkout Form” option.

New Features:

  • Uses Advanced Moneybookers Gateway system which suits eShop store functionality.
  • Added ‘Payment Success’ URL entry field to make customer to visit success/thank you page when payment is processed successfully.
  • Added ‘Order Cancellation’ URL entry field to make customer easier to cancel his/her order if he/she don’t need the product anymore or if he/she accidentally make’s a purchase of unwanted product.

Bug/Error Fix:

  • Fixed the file path missing problem by changing URL(s) of whole plugin.


Available via GMAIL(“”,””,””) & SKYPE(“rajkumar.lch”).


  • Full Checkout Form With Non Registered/Registered User Of Skrill.
  • Full Signup Form Of Moneybookers For Unregistered User At Moneybookers, to proceed for instant signup & doing payment for the chosen product.
  • Login Form For Registered User of Moneybookers Based On Email Provided in Checkout Form of eShop Store To Make the instant Payment for the product chosen.
  • Payment Success & Cancellation URL Entry Fields.
  • Payment Page(Skrill Checkout).
  • Order Cancellation Page.


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