Most And Least Read Posts Widget Most And Least Read Posts Widget

Most And Least Read Posts Widget

Created by: WhileTrue

Downloaded: 86k times

“Most And Least Read Posts Widget” is a free plugin for WordPress. developed by Giuliano Polverari ( to generate lists of the most and least read posts.

The following options are customizable:

  • number of posts to show
  • exclude posts whose title contains certain words
  • show post hits after the title (style customizable via CSS class)
  • exclude posts older than XX days

The plugin starts counting hits once activated, storing them in the “custom_total_hits” custom field without the need of external accounts.

The most popular web crawlers (e.g. Googlebot) are recognized and their hits discarded; also Admin hits are discarded.

Archived post hits are shown in a column inside the backend post list.

The plugin is compatible with multi-language WPML plugin, showing most/least read posts for current language.

Optionally, the number of hits can be shown inside the post content, with:

  • a custom phrase, e.g. “This post has already been read XX times!”
  • a custom position (above the post, below the post, both)
  • a custom CSS style

If you want to show the post hits anywhere inside the template loop, you can the PHP function provided, e.g.:

echo most_and_least_read_posts_get_hits(get_the_ID());


Also, [most_read_posts] a shortcode is available. Use it like this:

[most_read_posts type="most" posts_number="5" show_thumbs="false" date_from="2016-01-01" date_to="2016-04-30"]

Shortcode attributes:

  • type: “most” or “least”
  • posts_number
  • words_excluded
  • title_max_chars
  • excerpt_max_chars
  • show_thumbs: “true” or “false”
  • add_line_break_before_thumbs: “true” or “false”
  • show_hits: “true” or “false”
  • show_hits_text (default: “views”)
  • days_ago
  • date_from and date_to: if set, overwrite the “days_ago” attribute (format: YYYY-MM-DD)


For more informations:

Do you like this plugin? Give a chance to our other works:


  • Sample Widget on site, plain wiew
  • Sample Widget on site, with post hits and thumbs
  • Options available in the Admin Widget box
  • Options available in the Admin Settings menu


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