Mtags Lite Mtags Lite

Mtags Lite

Created by: Wander Lima

Downloaded: 1k times

Simple plugin that put description and keywords for all pages and posts of your blog and clean unnecessary info in wp_head() for secure reasons.

  • Keywords: user default keywords Tags
  • Description: user default Description
  • Remove: rsd_link, wlwmanifest_link, wp_generator, start_post_rel_link, index_rel_link, adjacent_posts_rel_link

Mtags Lite languages: English and Portuguese (Brazil).

For more information visit the Documentation Page.


  • New options, now you can decide if wanna list post terms + default tags and same with post description.
  • Select what you want to remove from your rsd_link, wlwmanifest_link, wp_generator, start_post_rel_link, index_rel_link, adjacent_posts_rel_link
  • Code optimezed.


After the installation, Mtgas Lite add a top level “Mtags Lite” menu to your WordPress Administration.

  • The Mtags Lite page lets you update your Keywords and Blog Description.
    – Keywords: Comma-separated keywords (255 chars limit).
    – Description: Blog´s description (255 chars limit).
    – Update: Update time, be honest or search engines can do restrictions to your Blog.

  • The Options page lets you decide the plugin behaviour.
    – Keywords: Post Tags / Default Tags / Post Tags + Default Tags.
    – Description: Post Excerpt / Default Excerpt / Post Excerpt + Default Excerpt.
    – Aditional options: Select what you want to remove from your rsd_link, wlwmanifest_link, wp_generator, start_post_rel_link, index_rel_link, adjacent_posts_rel_link.


  • Mtags Lite form.
  • Mtags Lite options page.


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