Multisite Toolbar Additions Multisite Toolbar Additions

Multisite Toolbar Additions

Created by: David Decker - DECKERWEB

Downloaded: 55k times

Quick Access to Super Admin Resources – Time Saver!

This small and lightweight plugin just adds some missed and very useful admin links to your Toolbar / Admin Bar in Multisite installs, and even regular single site installs.

Also included is support for some awesome, useful third-party plugins out of the box. So you might just switch from the backend or frontend of your site to the ‘Network Wide Plugins’ or access the ‘Nav Menu’ Settings of a sub site/blog. To make you even more happy, the plugin also works just perfectly in single WordPress installs (non-Multisite context), just fewer menu items then… —> Use this time saver and get quicker access ๐Ÿ™‚

NOTE: This plugin is only intended towards Super Admins / Admins.

General Features & Benefits — Global Usage

  • Add a Custom Nav Menu to the toolbar via WP Menu system – great for instructions for your staff members or other resources… (see FAQ for more…)
  • Recommended in Multisite: to use the main site for this (but menu is available globally)
  • Only visible and accessable for Super Admins (Multisite context) or for Site Admins (non-Multisite context)!
  • Plugin is fully internationalized, English & German language files included by default ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Fully WPML compatible!

Multisite Network Specific Features & Benefits

  • Network wide Plugins
  • Network wide Themes (plus Theme Editor)
  • Network Settings, Updates, plus Site Upgrade
  • Special “+ New” (new content) section, like on site dashboards, but only for Network admin with Network specific items!
  • Extra special Custom Nav Menu vieable for Site Admins but only editable for Super Admins, setup via WP Menu system, see FAQ for more….
  • Multisite aware plugin support, to date for: WP Super Cache, WP-Piwik, WPMS Site Maintenance Mode, Code Snippets, BackWPup, User Management Tools, Network Mass Email, Organizational Message Notifier, Snapshot (premium), Ultimate Branding (premium), Login Security Solution, Smart Admin Tweaks (premium), Smart Cleanup Tools (premium), Smart Options Optimizer (premium), Simple System Info (premium), Smart Security Tools (premium), Hide My WP (premium), Blog Copier, NS Cloner, NS Cloner Pro, Multisite Robots.txt Manager, WordPress MU Domain Mapping, WP Migrate DB Pro (premium), WPMS Admin Reports

(Sub) Site Specific Features & Benefits

  • Widgets
  • Nav Menus, including list of editable Nav Menus!
  • Manage Content: Media Library / Edit Posts / Edit Pages
  • Theme Editor (also detects Multisite network-admin!), great for fast editions on the fly… — also includes “Customizer”, plus “Custom Background” and “Custom Header”!
  • (Site specific) Plugin support, to date for: Howdy Tweaks, Cachify, Hyper Cache, Hyper Cache Extended, Limit Login Attempts, WP-Optimize, Installer (by Team), Code With WP Code Snippets, Toolbox Modules, Relevanssi & Relevanssi Premium, Multisite Language Switcher, Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions, Widget Settings Importer/Exporter, Tabify Edit Screen, Restrict Widgets, P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler), Codestyling Localization, WP Migrate DB, Go Sidebar Wizard (premium), Stream, Snitch

Included Plugin Support

Out of the box the plugin supports the following other plugins’ admin menu links in the Toolbar if installed and activated:

Be a Contributor

If you want to translate, go to the Translation Portal at

You can also contribute code-wise via our Multisite Toolbar Additions GitHub Repository – and see where you can help.


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Enjoy using Multisite Toolbar Additions? Please consider making a donation – every donation helps to support the project’s continued development, maintenance and support.
Thank you very much in advance for your support!


  • English – default, always included
  • German (de_DE): Deutsch – immer dabei!
  • For custom and update-secure language files please upload them to /wp-content/languages/multisite-toolbar-additions/ (just create this folder) – This enables you to use fully custom translations that won’t be overridden on plugin updates. Also, complete custom English wording is possible with that as well, just use a language file like to achieve that (for creating one see the following tools).

Easy plugin translation platform with GlotPress tool: Translate “Multisite Toolbar Additions”…

Note: All my plugins are internationalized/ translateable by default. This is very important for all users worldwide. So please contribute your language to the plugin to make it even more useful. For translating and validating I recommend the awesome “Poedit Editor”, which works fine on Windows, macOS and Linux.

Additional Info

Idea Behind / Philosophy: Just a little lightweight plugin for all the Multisite Super Admins out there to make their daily network admin life a bit easier. I’ll try to add more plugin support if it makes some sense. So stay tuned :).

Last but not least

Special Thanks go out to my family for allowing me to do such spare time projects (aka free plugins) and supporting me in every possible way!

My Other Plugins


  • <p>Multisite Toolbar Additions: New Network specific menu items located in "My Sites" toolbar parent item. (<a href="">Click here for larger version of screenshot</a>).</p>
  • <p>Multisite Toolbar Additions: Included plugin support for Network aware plugins. (<a href="">Click here for larger version of screenshot</a>).</p>
  • <p>Multisite Toolbar Additions: New Sub Site/ Blog items located in the parent item for each site. (<a href="">Click here for larger version of screenshot</a>).</p>
  • <p>Multisite Toolbar Additions: New (Sub) Site specific menu items - plus included plugin support for useful site specific plugins. (<a href="">Click here for larger version of screenshot</a>).</p>
  • <p>Multisite Toolbar Additions: How the optional Nav Menu for Super Admins works. (<a href="">Click here for larger version of screenshot</a>).</p>
  • <p>Multisite Toolbar Additions: Plugin's help tab on Nav Menu admin page. (<a href="">Click here for larger version of screenshot</a>).</p>


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