MW WP Hacks

Created by: Takashi Kitajima

Downloaded: 3k times

MW WP Hacks is plugin to help with development in WordPress.

  • Add Google Plus ID field in user profile page. IF input, echo <link rel=”author” /> in <head>.
  • Custom Feed into any post types.
  • Custom text after excerpt.
  • Add Google Plus ID field in management page. IF save this, include <link rel=”publisher” /> in <head>.
  • Add Facebook AppID field in management page. IF save this, include <div id=”fb-root”></div> any more.
  • Add GA Tracking ID field in management page. IF save this, include Google Analytics tag.
  • Add UA Tracking ID field in management page. IF save this, include Universal Analytics tag.
  • Add OGP & Twitter Cards setting.
  • Add Google Site Verification setting.
  • Add Meta description setting.
  • Include any social scripts. ( Facebook, Twitter, Hatena Bookmark, Google+1 )
  • Define widget areas.
  • Define custom thumbnail sizes.
  • Fix wp_title in the case of japanese.
  • You can setting that custom post type to disable a single page.
  • You can setting that posts per page for custom post type.
  • Useful method: MW_WP_Hacks::pager();
  • Useful method: MW_WP_Hacks::get_top_parent_id();
  • Useful method: MW_WP_Hacks::is_custom_post_type();
  • Useful method: MW_WP_Hacks::the_local_nav(); There is the shortcode [local_nav]
  • Useful method: MW_WP_Hacks::the_bread_crumb();
  • The Class that Register Custom Post Type and Custom taxonomy.
    $Manage_Custom_Post_Type = new MW_WP_Hacks_Manage_Custom_Post_Type();
    $Manage_Custom_Post_Type->custom_post_type( ‘新着情報’, ‘news’,
    array( ‘title’, ‘editor’, ‘author’, ‘excerpt’, ‘comments’, ‘revisions’, ‘thumbnail’ ),
    array( ‘has_archive’ => false )
    $Manage_Custom_Post_Type->custom_taxonomy( ‘新着カテゴリー’, ‘news-category’, array( ‘news’ ),
    array( ‘hierarchical’ => true )
  • etc…



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