My Custom Ads Management My Custom Ads Management

My Custom Ads Management

Created by: Pixeltoweb

Downloaded: 942 times


Ads Management Plugin is an easy to use plugin to display custom advertising like google ads, banner ads on front-end side which includes any ads size ranging from 300×250, 160×600, 728×90 and etc..

Ads Management Plugin is used For Marketing Banners and logos of Affiliates and Marketing Purpose.

Ads Management Plugin will help you to Show Ads by Following way

  • Create Ads from Admin Panel from Add New Ads Section.
  • Create New Ads by Adding Title of the Ads, Short Description and Add Banner code with image tag or Google Adsense Code in to code box with status as “Available”.
  • Admin will get Unique and Randomly Created Short Code which will be helpful to show custom ads on Front End.
  • Copy Short Code example “[Customads id=123456]”.
  • Admin can show Ads on Front End by Text Widget, Ads Widget, Short Code into Page / Post Text Editor and PHP Short code in any Theme File.
  • Then go to Widget Section and add Short code into WordPress Text Widget which will show added ads on Front End into that Sidebar.
  • Admin can go to Widget Section and then add Custom Ads Widget and Select Ads with Checkbox as Show Title and Description on Front End.
  • Admin can go to any Page or Post and then Add Short code into Editor Section then will see Ads into Content Section.
  • To add in PHP file, go to Theme Page and add “startphptag echo do_shortcode(‘[Customads id=123456];endphptag” code into any theme file with replacing our custom code to show Custom Ads on Front End.


  • Manage Ads Display
  • Ads_ManageAdsListing
  • Ads_CustomWidget_Backend
  • Ads_Customwidget_Frontend
  • Ads_Textwidget_Backend
  • Ads_textwidget_Frontend
  • Ads_Help


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