My WP Customize Admin/Frontend My WP Customize Admin/Frontend

My WP Customize Admin/Frontend

Created by: gqevu6bsiz

Downloaded: 84k times

My WP Customize is customize for WordPress.

Simply and easy-to-use the customize for Admin and Frontend. A lot of custom filters and actions, and included the developer tools.

There are lots of custom actions and filters.

You will speed up to your site creation. Debug on current post, Debug on current using theme, Debug on server info, …etc more helpful info.

The demo site is here:

Customize the admin

  • Admin General(hide update notifications, hide screen options, custom footer text).
  • Admin Dashboard(hide meta boxes, change meta box title, restrict meta box order).
  • Admin Sidebar(hide menus, order menus, change icon and title, add custom link menu).
  • Admin Toolbar(hide menus, order menus, change icon and title, add custom link menu).
  • Admin Post list(hide columns, order columns, change title).
  • Admin Post edit(support block editor and classic editor, hide meta boxes, change title placeholder, restrict order meta box).
  • Admin Terms(hide columns, order columns, change title).
  • Admin Media uploads(hide columns, order columns, change title).
  • Admin Comments(hide columns, order columns, change title).
  • Admin Users(hide columns, order columns, change title).
  • Admin User edit(hide Visual Editor checkbox, hide Syntax Highlighting checkbox, hide Admin Color Scheme).
  • Admin Site editor(Change top left button).
  • Admin Nav menus(hide meta boxes, hide Link target, hide Title Attribute, hide CSS classes).

Customize the frontend

  • Frontend General(show and hide toolbar, hide Rest link, hide Shortlink, set X-Frame-Options, add custom header meta).
  • Frontend Author archive(hide archive page, add Disallow to robots.txt).
  • Frontend Date archive(hide archive page).
  • Frontend Taxonomy archive(hide archive page).
  • Frontend Toolbar(hide menus, order menus, change icon and title, add custom link menu).

Customize the login

  • Login General(Change logo link and image, hide select language, add custom footer text).
  • Login User(redirect after login and logout).

Customize the website

  • Site General(Disable file edit, hide PHP X-Mailer version).
  • Site Post type(Change create_posts capability).
  • Site Sitemap(hide core sitemap.xml).

For Debug

  • Debug General(Display a debug screen that is useful for development).
  • Debug Blogs(Show all blogs on network/multisite).
  • Debug Crons(Show all crons).
  • Debug Date time(Show all date and time values).
  • Debug Defines(Show all defines).
  • Debug Post statuses(Show all post statuses).
  • Debug Post structure(Show a post structure).
  • Debug Post types(Show all post types).
  • Debug Rest API(Show all rest api).
  • Debug Site options(Show all site options on network/multisite).
  • Debug Taxonomies(Show all taxonomies).
  • Debug Terms(Show all terms).
  • Debug transients(Show all transients).
  • Debug translations(Show all translations).
  • Debug Capabilities(Show all user roles capabilities).


  • Admin general.
  • Admin dashboard.
  • Admin sidebar.
  • Admin Toolbar.
  • Admin all posts.
  • Admin post edit.
  • Frontend general.
  • Frontend toolbar.
  • Debug screen.
  • Developer panel on footer.


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