If you need to implement a custom post type for human beings, where in lieu of a title you need a name, this plugin will add the proper UI. See screenshots for an example.


When creating your custom post type, just make sure you specify name as one of the post type’s features. (As of version 0.1, the title feature, quite counterintuitively, is also required as in the example below.)

register_post_type( 'people', array(     'label' => 'People',     'supports' => array( 'title', 'name', ... )     ... ) ); 

Name Support also gives you the template tags the_name() and get_the_name() which prints or returns the name in “[First Name] [Last Name]” format.

Development of this plugin was supported by the Arts at MIT.


  • An example of the name entry UI which replaces the regular title entry UI.


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